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The National Flood Association serves as a hub for flood industry dialogue, connecting stakeholders from a wide range of interests and perspectives.  NFA membership offers companies the opportunity for education, engagement and networking with a diverse group of like-minded flood professionals.  Membership also supports the NFA’s efforts to advocate for the industry through engagement with regulators, FEMA and Congress.  Join us and help to make a positive impact on the flood industry, now and for the future. 


Why Join the NFA?

  • Engage with other flood stakeholders, industry trade organizations, regulatory agencies and FEMA to address issues and areas of interest for the long-term benefit of the industry.

  • Participate in establishing the collective voice of the flood industry through committee and workgroup efforts.

  • Support formal response to Congressional action relative to flood insurance, flood mapping/data and other areas of concern with implications for the industry.

  • Attend NFA’s Annual Conference at the discounted member rate.

  • Access timely industry updates and webinars on a broad range of flood topics.

  • Gain access to FEMA’s eLOMA tool (for member company employees who are Certified Floodplain Managers, following successful completion of NFA’s certification process).

  • Provide your company’s staff with opportunities for education and professional growth.

NFA Membership Benefits:

  • Opportunity to serve on committees and participate in ad hoc workgroups

  • Opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors

  • Vote in NFA’s annual election of the Board and for any measures that require a vote of the membership

  • Attend NFA’s Annual Conference at a discounted rate

  • Attend educational webinars for no or reduced charge

  • Participate in NFA’s in-person annual member and strategic planning meetings

  • Receive member communications and newsletters


Annual Dues: $2,200

Join Today! 

Questions about membership?   Contact us at

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